The suspension control arms are made to fit rotary hillclimb racing carThe suspension control arms are made to fit rotary hillclimb racing car
The suspension arms are made to fit rotary hillclimb racing car
Rotary Hillclimb Racing updates in Queensland at Mt Cotton, Noosa and other hillclimb racing locations – Watch as we build our own rotary hillclimb racing car
The suspension arms are made to fit rotary hillclimb racing car
Machining of the suspension and uprights to fit rotary hillclimb racing car.
The suspension development begins as the rotary hillclimb racing project continues
The chassis continues to take shape on Rotary Hillclimb Racing Project
Rotary Engine to the Gearbox on Rotary Hillclimb Racing Project
The purchase of new chassis to build rotary Hillclimb Racing Car
Introduction to building a Rotary Hillclimb Racing Car
Incar footage of RPV01 previous car at Mt Cotton 12th Nov 07 2nd run of the of the Queensland Hillclimb Championship not a bad run of 40.69 seconds