The steering rack did not come with the chassis when I purchased it so I had to get a steering rack to fit the chassis. The steering rack is available from Van-dieman but the cost was a bit out of my budget so I did some research and found a steering rack that would do the job. The only thing was that it had to be modified to fit the chassis, the main rack shaft needed to be shortened and the main housing needed to be lengthened to fit into the area on the front of the chassis. The photos show the modified rack bolted into the chassis, this was a major component that I needed that had to be modified correctly so the steering geometry was not compromised.

Steering Rack Mounted to Chassis
The next accessory that had to be mounted to the chassis and the engine for the project to move ahead was the Turbo Charger. After some long discussions with Ben at Rotary Motorsport I selected a Garratt GT35R as this was the best turbo to suit the given application i.e. hillclimbing. The reason I choose this turbo was that I wanted a turbo that gave boost very quickly and maximum power was not the main reason for the selection of the turbo. I had to make a manifold to locate the turbo onto the engine but it had to be easily removed if necessary. The photo shows the turbo mounted onto the engine. Note:- the manifold fits around the chassis braces.

Turbo and Maniford Mounted to Engine