I hope that you will find this blog informative and interesting. Rotary Hillclimb Racing.com, is an inside look of building and racing a Rotary Hillclimb Racing car from my point of view and hopefully other like-minded people with rotary engine hillclimb racing cars in Queensland.
What have I done to date on this subject? Some 12 years back I wanted to go racing but I did not have the funds. I found that Hillclimb Racing was as excellent form of racing with good value bang for bucks. To participate in this form of motorsport I needed a car and in my opinion the only class I wanted to race in was the outright class, which is Formula Libra (Single Seat Open-Wheeler). As my (Very understanding) wife Suzy and I had just purchased our first home and money was tight so the only way to fund this was for me to build my own car, as to purchase an open-wheeler was out of the question.

Previous Car RPV01 at Mt Cotton Warwick Driving
It took me 2 years to build my first car and I raced it for 10 years with reasonably good results, the best being a 5th outright at the Australian Hillclimb championships and 3rd outright at the Queensland Hillclimb championships. The first car was my own design and of course I powered this car with a Mazda Rotary Engine. It was a normally aspirated 13B full bridge port at the start and then over the years changed this to a Turbo charged 13B. I named this car RPV J4F this stood for “Rotary Powered Vehicle”, J4F stood for “Just 4 Fun”, and this was the case as I had a tone of fun in it.
The chassis No was 01 as I had grand plans of building a series of chassis over time but as a lot of good ideas that plan fell by the way-side. The photo attached is of the first car RPV01 J4F. But as all good things it came to an end when I sold it to a fellow Queenslander and Hill climber Darren Duffeld who is still racing the car with extremely good results to date.

RPV01 at Mt Cotton new owner Darren driving
The new Project is to build a new Rotary Hillclimb Racing Car (RPV02 Van Diemen RF92)